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Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) members support the UDC process in an advisory role by sharing their expertise and providing input on interim draft documents. 

Members of the public are welcome to listen in.

The fourth meeting of the Unified Development Code (UDC) Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) will take place on Tuesday, May 14th at 4:00p.m. at the Pueblo County Emergency Service Center.

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Summary Of January TAC Meeting

Click on the image above to view a summary of topics discussed at the January 9th TAC meeting.

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Presentation for January TAC Meeting

To view a copy of the presentation from the January 9th TAC meeting, click on the image located above. 

Agenda for January TAC Meeting

The third meeting of the Unified Development Code (UDC) Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) will take place on Tuesday, January 9th at 4:00p.m. at the Pueblo County Emergency Service Center.

Summary of September TAC Meeting

Click on the image above to view a summary of topics discussed at the September 12th TAC meeting.

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Presentation for September TAC Meeting

To view a copy of the presentation from the September 12th TAC meeting, click on the image located above. 

Agenda for September TAC Meeting

The second meeting of the Unified Development Code (UDC) Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) will take place on Tuesday, September 12th at 4:00p.m. at the Pueblo County Emergency Service Center.

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Summary of TAC
Kick-Off Meeting

Click on the image above to view a summary of topics discussed at the July 25th TAC meeting.

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Presentation for TAC Kick-Off Meeting

To view a copy of the presentation from the July 25th TAC Kick-Off meeting, click on the image located above. 

Agenda for the July 25th UDC TAC meeting
Agenda for the TAC Kick-Off Meeting

The first meeting of the Unified Development Code (UDC) Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) will take place on Tuesday, July 25th at 4:00p.m. at the Pueblo County Emergency Service Center.

Más información

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